Helena, Montana – To make it easier for Montanans affected by cancer to locate nearby options, the Montana Cancer Coalition and the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) recently developed two interactive maps.
According to mortality data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, cancer is the second most common cause of death in Montana (CDC).
“Montana 20, 30 years ago was a place that was difficult to find high-quality cancer treatment. That is no longer true,” said CEO of Cancer Support Community Montana & Chair of the Quality of Life Committee for Montana Cancer Coalition Becky Franks.
Anyone can locate screening and treatment services using one of the maps. The other displays services that improve the quality of life, including physical therapy, dietary counseling, retreats, and counseling. Franks claims that although services were accessible to Montanans, finding them wasn’t always simple. They, therefore, made an effort to consolidate them in one location.
“There’s a lot of possibility and services available to patients but patients can’t always find them,” says Franks.
The interactive maps also assist in providing a visual picture of any treatment deserts that might exist across the state and may one day contribute to improvements in such regions.
“We’ve looked for areas that are, what we call, a resource desert to be able to identify that resources are not currently available, but they could be available,” says Franks.
The maps are currently usable by anybody and everyone online.