
A Billings man prepares to see his relative from Ukraine

Billings, Montana – A Ukrainian resident of Billings has grand ambitions to bring his son to the United States.

Over a year has passed since Russia invaded Ukraine, and the conflict has had an impact on former Ukrainian residents who have immigrated to America.

Yuri Abramov arrived in the country in 1994 and was naturalized in 2005.

He hadn’t seen his son Yuri Jr. in thirty years.

“It’s my son,” Abarmov said as he showed pictures of his son, Yuri Jr. “He lived in Moscow and now he’s 36 years old. “He looks like me.”

Ukrainian-born Yuri Abramov Jr. recently fled Russia and is now waiting to leave Moldova.

“I said please escape from Moscow, from Russia,” Abramov said about a phone call to his son. “Because right now, Russian police arrested young men.”

Yuri, Sr. is aware that since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, all of his relatives there have had difficulties.

“People have no job,” Abramov said. “People have no money. More people go around neighborhood and check garbage container for food. It’s a shame and they have no chance to survive.”

After serving 12 years in prison on a bogus accusation for writing a letter to the editor critical of the regime, Yuri Abramov Sr. escaped the U.S.S.R.

“It was my last day in Moscow,” Abramov said while showing a picture. “It’s Red Square, and I want to say goodbye Russia forever.”

He is aware of the Russian leadership and has doubts about President Putin’s role in the conflict.

“He’s dangerous, dangerous person,” Abramov said. “I call him evil dictator or like evil in human being’s body.”

He welcomed Volodymyr Pronin, his brother whom he hadn’t seen in 30 years, to Billings in October.

“It’s my dream to bring all family to United States,” Abramov said.

He also wants to assist him in bringing his family to Montana, even if doing so can be difficult for them given that they don’t speak the language.

“I want one by one to help them to move to United States.” Abramov said.


Written by Derrick Smith

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