BILLINGS – Free drive-through COVID-19 testing is still offered through RiverStone Health, Yellowstone County’s public health agency, at 2173 Overland Avenue, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. weekdays.
The virus that causes COVID-19 disease is still circulating, causing 759 new cases and 10 deaths in February among Yellowstone County residents, according to RiverStone Health. While local healthcare providers vaccinate people in high-risk priority groups, testing remains an important tool for slowing the virus spread.
Fewer people have been testing at the RiverStone Health site recently, which means that waiting times for tests generally are shorter. Last week, RiverStone Health said the Overland Avenue site tested about 270 people. On Monday, 64 people were tested.
Two tests are available: a rapid antigen test with results in 20 minutes and a PCR test with results available in three to five days. People who plan to travel are advised to check with their destination state or country for the latest requirements on COVID-19 testing.
Adults and children age five and over can be tested at this site, regardless of whether they have symptoms of COVID-19 illness. Symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, diarrhea and sudden loss of taste or smell.
People who test positive will receive instructions on isolating themselves to reduce risk of making others sick.
RiverStone Health strongly encourages all Yellowstone County residents to choose to protect the health of their families, friends and co-workers by consistently taking precautions against spreading COVID-19: Wear masks and keep your distance when around people you don’t live with, wash hands thoroughly and stay home when ill.